
Honeywell TrueSTEAM™ Humidification System
Installed in 24 hours!
- Up to 12 gallons of moisture into the air each day
- For homes up to 3,000 square feet in size
- Compared with other humidifiers, TrueSTEAM™ Humidifiers use less water
- Eco friendly whole house solution

Healthy Indoor Atmosphere
TrueSTEAM Humidifiers are designed to ensure that hydration is properly maintained indoors for a comfortable indoor environment. The Honeywell TrueSTEAM™ Humidification System works by producing its own steam in order to maintain the moisture level indoors.
Easy Maintenance with Comfort
The TrueSTEAM Humidifiers by Honeywell ensure comfort and health for you and your family. TrueSTEAM as the name implies, provides the cleanest form of humidification as it doesn’t rely on moisture-filled pads that over usage can induce bacteria growth in the water and the airstream. Only wash the pads once a year with soap and water and rest of the time, the system cleans itself.
Eco-Friendly Energy Efficiency
The TrueSTEAM Humidifiers are energy efficient as the humidified air feels warmer and hence the thermostat can be turned down to keep the indoor temperature comfortable. With 1 gallon of water used, 1 gallon of humidification is produced; this TrueSTEAM Humidifier is ecofriendly as well.